Monday 10th Friday 14th June 2024


  1. The University Librarian Prof. Helen Emasealu on Monday, June 10th, 2024, received a preverification team from the National Universities Commission (NUC). The team verified the availability and utilization of Ng-REN internet networks, the MATLAB application, and the PROQUEST database.
  2. On Tuesday, 11th June 2024, the American Corner, Port Harcourt, organized a program on
  3. Youth Empowerment: Freelance101. The programme offered young people an exciting pathway to develop skills, earn income, and gain independence. The program also opened participants up on how to start their journey towards a flexible and rewarding career, providing opportunities for personal growth and financial independence, a strategic approach, and continuous learning, young freelancers can thrive in the dynamic gig economy.
  4. Ninety-six (96) researchers patronized the American Corner in the week under review. They were from the Faculties of Engineering, Management, SSLT, Basic Medical Science, Education and Humanities.
  5. The Knowledge Commons (for undergraduates) and the Research Commons (for postgraduates) sections on the first floor of the Library are open to those who wish to access the Library’s electronic resources using the ICT facilities in the Library. Similarly, the Elsevier training laboratory on the second floor has internet access to all subscribed databases and is open to faculty members.
  6. The Library received an update on its African Journals Online (AJOL) Database:, the world’s most extensive database housing peer reviewed, African-published scholarly works in various research disciple.
  1. The library has received an update of its EBSCOhost Database with the new content., which provides researchers and registered Faculty members with information materials that cut across such academic disciplines as science, social sciences and technology.
  2. The Library has received an update of its Scopus Database with the new content. The database provides registered Faculty members and researchers with the most extensive abstract and cited database on peer-reviewed literature and information materials across disciplines.
  1. The Library has received an update of its HS Talks Database with new content, The database provides registered faculty members and researchers multimedia materials ranging from videos, audio, and animated audio-visual lectures centered on biomedical and life sciences and the business and management disciplines.
  2. The Donald Ekong Library observed a decrease in user patronage this week. The number of users dropped by 37.9%, from three thousand, one hundred and thirty-two (3,132) users in the previous week to one thousand nine hundred and forty-four users (1,944) in the current week. This decline is occasioned by the just concluded first semester examination in the university.

Postscript: For a real-time response to information about the Library and its collections, library users can access the virtual librarian Chat box on the website of the Library as follows:

Parting Shot: The Library is a veritable source of knowledge. Therefore, staff and students are encouraged to seek knowledge regularly using Donald Ekong Library learning resources.

Donald Ekong Library communication channels for remote access are as follows:

Phone: +2349138269564
Facebook: uniportlibrary
LinkedIn: Uniportlibrary
Twitter: @uniportlibrary
YouTube: Uniportlibrary

Prof. Helen U. Emasealu,
University Librarian

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