Monday 16th – Friday 20th October 2023
- From Monday 16th to Friday 20th October 2023, the American Corner, Port Harcourt, organized four
(4) programs:
- 1st Program: Building Professional Presentation Skills. This program highlighted the 5 p’s of presentation: planning, preparation, consistency, practice and performance. The program ended with a question-and-answer session to consolidate comprehension by participants.
- 2nd Program: Education USA Orientation. The program provided participants with admission opportunities into postgraduate programs and scholarships in the United States of America.
- 3rd Program: Conversation with an alumnus. The program was an interaction between participants and American Corner alumni, who provided information about the Corner and educational opportunities in the USA.
- 4th Program: Youth Development: Opportunities in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The program was on entrepreneurship opportunities and youth development programs.
Two hundred and twenty-three (223) participants attended the four programs from the Faculties of Engineering, Social Sciences, Humanities, Science, Basic Medical Sciences, Management Science, and Education.
- On Monday, 16th October 2023, The University Librarian, Dr. Helen Emasealu, received five (5) copies of Grit, a book written and donated by Dr. Obari Gomba. The University Librarian thanked the donor and used the medium to encourage Faculties, Departments, Centres and library patrons to donate books and other information resources to the Library.
- On Wednesday, 18th October 2023, the University Librarian, Dr. Helen U. Emasealu, received the following book donations forwarded from the office of Prof. Basil O. Nwosu, Dept of Educational Management, for library retention:
- Foundation of Business Education by Ezinwa B. Azuka & Basil O. Nwosu (5cpoies)
- Business Education Journal vol. 6&7. Nos 1&2 by Nigerian Association of Business Education – NABE (3 copies).
- Modern Office Practice & Technology II by C.U. Njoku, E.I.N. Idih & A.N. Nwosu (2copies)
- Office Admission & Management by Sabastine N. Ohakwe, Calistus Maureen Ogechi & Bernard Ihuoma C. (2 copies)
- Prospective & Practicing Secretaries I Revised Edition by C.U. Njoku, A.N. Nwosu & F.U. Chukwumezie (2 copies)
- Association of Business Educators of Nigeria Conference Proceedings by Association of Business Educators of Nigeria – ABEN (3 copies)
- Analysis Management Cases by Dr. David Tony (1 copy)
- A Guide to Research Communication in Education & Social Sciences by Bernadette A., Ezeokuna (1 copy)
- Office Administration & Management by Nwosu A.N. Njoku, Julie U. Nwosu C. (1 copy)
- Admission of Business Educators of Nigeria vol.1 no 8 & 9 – ABEN (5 copies)
- Nigerian Journal of Business Education Vol. 2, No 3, Vol. 7, Nos 1 & 2 and Vol. 6 No 1 & 2 (10 copies)
The Management of Donald Ekong Library appreciates the donors for their kind gesture. It encourages other scholars, library patrons and corporate bodies to contribute books, journals and audio-visual materials to enrich the library resources and stimulate further research.
- The Knowledge Commons (for undergraduates) and the Research Commons (for postgraduates) sections on the first floor of the Library are open to those who wish to access the Library’s electronic resources using the ICT facilities (Computers and Internet) in the Library. Similarly, the Elsevier training laboratory on the second floor has internet access to all subscribed databases and is open to faculty members.
- The Donald E.U. Ekong Library, supporting reading, learning and research activities, has acquired additional research databases under the Other Educational Resources (OER) initiative. These databases are:
- DIVA – Digital Scientific Archive
- DART-Europe
- The Network Digital Library of Thesis and Dissertations (NDLTD)
- ProQuest (Kindly note that users must come to the library for registration with their institutional email to access ProQuest). These databases can be accessed at the library website via:–educational–resources/
- The Library has received an update on its Science Direct Database. The database provides researchers and registered library users with information resources for scientific, technical, and medical research. It offers full-text journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and 11,000 books.
- The Library has received an update of its BioOne Database with the new content. The database provides registered faculty members and researchers with information materials, journals, and multi-media collections related to biological sciences and its related disciplines.
- Weekly statistics of the patronage of Donald Ekong Library showed a 36% increase from 1,432 users in the previous week to 1,947 users in the current week.
Supplementary Information:
The library is a veritable source of knowledge. Therefore, staff and students are encouraged to seek knowledge regularly using Donald Ekong Library learning resources.
For a real-time response to information about the Library and its collections, library users can access the virtual librarian Chatbot on the website of the Library as follows:
The dedicated staff of Donald Ekong Library are waiting eagerly to continue rendering quality service in our first-rate Library rich in books, journals, e-resources, and other research materials. Please visit the Library:
Donald Ekong Library communication channels for remote access are as follows:
YouTube: Uniportlibrary
Dr. Helen U. Emasealu, CLN
University Librarian